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        你所在位置: 首頁 >> 新聞中心 > 常見問題



        作者:http://www.www.boy7up.cn 時間:2023-04-26

        The emergence and use of automatic feeding mixer trucks have provided many conveniences for various engineering construction projects, all of which are attributed to the use of automatic feeding mixer trucks and have improved the operational efficiency of the equipment to a certain extent. To ensure the performance of the automatic feeding mixer truck, one important accessory is the transmission shifter. Each accessory may have some problems after being used for a long time. How to repair it after it is damaged?
        1、 Handling of hydraulic system or engine malfunctions:
        (1) Open the inspection hole cover of the mixing pipe of the automatic feeding mixer truck, loosen the pipe joint of the high-pressure hose on the motor, rotate the mixing drum, tilt the mixing hole of the mixing drum downwards, and discharge the mixing hole of the concrete mixing drum;
        (2) Remove the high-pressure hose of the faulty vehicle from the motor, connect the high-pressure hose for rescue, connect the other end to the oil pump of the rescue vehicle, and connect the end of the emergency return pipe to the motor of the faulty vehicle. The other end of the oil return pipe is connected to the oil pump return port of the rescue vehicle, which is used to control the rotation of the mixing drum of the faulty vehicle.
        Our on-site testing found that for all tools in the production factory, using Method 2 takes approximately 1 hour. If the construction site time may be longer, it is recommended to use Method 1 to discharge the crucible.
        2、 Motor failure: The operation is relatively simple. The motor of the rescue vehicle can be removed from the faulty vehicle, and various oil pipes can be connected. Starting the rescue vehicle can discharge the phlegm in the mixed drum.
        When the mixer truck is difficult or unable to start, the main symptoms may include the following reasons:
        (1) The engine of the starter has normal speed, but it does not ignite or can only ignite after a long time of starting.
        (2) There is a malfunction in the electrical system, mainly due to the low battery voltage causing the ignition to fail during startup.
        (3) There is a malfunction in the intake system, mainly due to the intake resistance exceeding the technical specifications, resulting in difficulty in starting or failure to start due to misfire.
        (4) If the crankshaft does not rotate, it may be due to holding the shaft, biting the cylinder, or other abnormal situations, which can cause difficulty or inability to start. In addition, sometimes due to the low oil level in the fuel tank, it can also lead to difficulties or inability to start.
        In short, for automatic feeding mixer trucks, when a malfunction occurs, the cause of the malfunction should be promptly identified and effective measures should be taken to eliminate defects in the automatic feeding mixer truck before resolving the malfunction. For more related content, come to our website http://www.www.boy7up.cn Consult and learn more!
        • 公司:萊州聚峰機械有限公司
        • 熱線:400-879-1999
        • 地址:山東省萊州市206國道與308省道交叉口東南50米

